Canal Sur Radio presents in Todo eGames a space which covers the publication and market launch of video games, with preference to the Spanish ones and especially Andalusian, and their development in different systems and commercial platforms.
The first program of Todo eGames starts with an interview with the CEO of Vodafone Giants, the international team based in Malaga, where they are preparing the inauguration of a new headquarters after a major rebranding.
In addition, the experts José Manuel Fernández ‘Spidey’ and Jesús Relinque ‘Pedja’ informa about the news of the gamer world, making the most critical analysis of the latest games on the market.
And to top it all off, we interview Juan Alberto Brincau, the jovial CEO of Save Games Studio, speaking, among other things, of his teaching work in FESAC, and gave us an update on how are the training work related to the world of video games in Andalusia